Saturday, February 28, 2015

Do We Need A Revolution or A Revival?

I was prompted to write this blog today because of what I see and hear going on throughout the world in regards to Christianity.  As I searched through various news channels and You tube videos to collect the latest information on the persecution of Christians in the middle and Asia this past week, I suddenly developed a 'fire' in my heart and 'righteous anger' towards the evil that has fallen upon my brothers and sisters-in-Christ' !

If you are like me there comes a point in your life (several in my case) where you just have to say..."enough of this"...and you begin to take a stand for whats right. Those who have lost their lives simply for being "born-again Christians" are the focus of this blog. Their courage and bravery for not denying the name by which we are called is extraordinary! These men and woman and in some cases, little children have each stood for what is right...the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Certainly here in America we don't face this kind of persecution, yet, but I am of the opinion that this kind is coming to our shores. Just this week a 'street-preacher' was arrested and hauled off to jail because he was using a bull-horn and preaching the gospel in a public place. That's NOT against the law but, yet, he was arrested for that very reason. Astonishing in some ways but, actually, not surprising. Jesus already warned us that the world would hate us just as it did him during his lifetime here.

Whether its the extreme kind of persecution or that which is only by the words of others, we must be prepared to face it. We are called by God to face it and to stand with courage! The phrase, "man-up", comes to my mind and in many ways, the men in our churches, homes and work-places have to be the ones who carry the banner, or the torch if you prefer, for the 'one' who took it all and nailed it to his cross, which should have been my cross.
It's his love that compels us to go forward and take a stand.

As we look at our society here in America and compare it to any other society in the world, it would be easy to shake our collective heads and say..."not in this country"...we are too civilized for that. Really? Just look around, folks. The persecution is here NOW and its only growing into the type that our brothers and sisters in the mid-east have been subjected to for years.

Are you prepared? Am I prepared? Can the church of our savior survive in America or do we need to adopt a new religion? Many may be asking that very question under the pressures created by the media and culture. Let me be clear on this. Its not a new religion or a revolution that is needed nor do we need a 'sugar-pill' to sweeten the facts. It is a great, lasting revival that will shake us up and bring what we need. A heart-wrenching, soul-stirring revival for every believer!

So to end this article I would like to add the familiar statement by someone I consider to be a close friend (even though we have never met) Mr. Gary Stearman, who says..."keep looking Up", and watch for the most glorious return of the King Of Kings and Lord of Lords on the horizon.

February 28th, 2015

Jeff Pendleton

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